Unreal Engine General to Knowledge Training
Goktug Ulvan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Crania Studios. He specializes in Unreal Engine and brings expertise in computer graphics, rendering, physics-based simulation, optimization techniques, gameplay programming, virtual reality development, and blueprint scripting. He has developed and led numerous published games, simulations, and development tools as a Senior Unreal Engine Front-End Developer.
As an Unreal Authorized Instructor, we will provide you priority access to tools and materials, increasing job opportunities, and exclusive use of community portals. Through hands-on experience and successful collaboration on cross-departmental projects, you will demonstrate advanced Unreal Engine expertise. You will be well-versed in building tools and infrastructure for Unreal Engine, contributing to the success of projects in a dynamic learning environment.
Online Live Classes are available
Resources will be provided by the Instructor
Qualification or previous experience is not necessary
After completing the course, you will receive a certificate
30 hours
No of Modules:
33 modules
Mode of Training:
Instructor Led: On-line/Off-line
This is a basic course for beginners on Unreal Engine Open to all Students, academia, and Industry professionals.
Software Version:
UE4 - UE5
Next Course Start Date:
Course 1 - Becoming a Unreal Engine Generalist
What is Unreal Engine?
A quick introduction to Unreal Engine history from Unreal (1998) to Fortnite.
Video games that use Unreal Engine
Companies that use Unreal Engine
Usage areas of Unreal Engine
Download and Setup:
Download Epic Games Launcher
Download the related Visual Studio version
Install required SDKs
Install required C++ packs for desktop development
Install the latest version of Unreal Engine
Creating the first template
Overview of the UE Interface:
All menus with sub-menus
Viewport settings (views, types, and modes)
Movement on the viewport with shortcuts
Adding and moving an object
Content browser, filters, collections, and favorites
Adding additional windows like content browser
Coordinate Space Terminology
Meshes Essentials:
Importing static and skeletal mesh
Mesh editors and menus
Brush editings
Mesh collisions
Polygons and triangles
Virtual Textures
Shader Systems:
Creating new materials
Changing material colors
Master materials
Material instances
Dynamic material instance with
a blueprint actor -
​Material Parameter Collection
Material functions
Community Reach:
Unreal Engine Discussions Forum
Discord and Slack community
Facebook Unreal Engine Developer Community
Favorite Unreal Engine Tutorial Series on Youtube
Patreon for Unreal developers
First Gameplay:
Creating a character blueprint class
Adding inputs to project settings
Adding movement capability
Adding skeletal mesh to bp
Creating animation blueprint with related skeletal mesh
Creating 1d and 3d blend spaces
Animation blueprint setup with blend space and animations
Adding AnimBP to related blueprint actor
Blueprints in Level:
Game mode settings
Adding additional movements on the player controller -
Adding a playable character to game mode
Additional possess and unpossess options
Overlap interaction test between playable character and interactable blueprint object
Trace Interactions:
Quick cover up all traces
Trace focus type (objects, profile, channels)
Adding line trace and test
Line trace optimization techniques
Line trace debug methods
Hit result structure tests
Artificial Intelligence:
Simple AI Movement
Random Movements
Nav Mesh
Introduction to Blueprints:
Blueprint classes explanation
Create your first blueprint actor class (Door bp)
Adding static mesh components to actor blueprint
Blueprint viewport settings
Transform types (relative, world)
Adding timeline
Timeline manipulations on static mesh-related transform
Interaction with Blueprint:
Adding trigger box component (Box collision in blueprint)
Trigger volumes and interactable collisions (Overlap settings)
Adding overlap interactions
Test and polish
Version Control Systems:
Installing GitHub Desktop or Fork
Create a git, clone, pull, push, merge, and branch processes
Adding unreal engine git ignore
Installing the P4V server and Client
Adding git ignore to perforce
Create a project with a new workspace
Commit, submit, checkout, mark for add processes
Enable and control source control inside of Unreal Engine Project
Package Settings:
Package types
Start modes and maps
Include maps
Package Settings:
Fixing up re-directory
Validate assets
Reverting to backup files from Perforce
Reverting to backup files from the saved folder
Searching shortcuts in the content browser
Creating an interaction interface
Adding an interface to related blueprint classes
Adding events with inherited variables on the interface
Trigger events
User Interface and HUD:
Creating and using widget blueprint
Adding crosshair and widget animation for this crosshair
Integrations player data to this widget via interface
Creating a hot bar while using the vertical box, horizontal box, overlay, scroll box, widget switcher, buttons, etc.
Combine the interaction system with the widget
Adding functions (collapse nodes and create modular function)
Function local variables
Pure function
Construction script events
Keywords and categories
Function inputs and outputs
Custom Blueprint Function Library
Creating tools with construction script
Creating a dynamic material instance in a blueprint class' construction script
Creating a macro
Macro inputs and outputs
Example usage of macros
Custom Blueprint Macro Library
Creating a "for each loop with delay" macro
Arrays and Loop:
For Loop
For Each Loop
Add, shuffle, remove, and set elements of the array
Combine Arrays
Reverse Loop
Blueprints Essentials:
Data Table
Switch Node
Course 2 - Becoming a Unreal Engine Artist
What is Unreal Engine?
A quick introduction to Unreal Engine history from Unreal (1998) to Fortnite.
Video games that use Unreal Engine
Companies that use Unreal Engine
Usage areas of Unreal Engine
Download and Setup:
Download Epic Games Launcher
Download the related Visual Studio version
Install required SDKs
Install required C++ packs for desktop development
Install the latest version of Unreal Engine
Creating the first template
Overview of the UE Interface:
All menus with sub-menus
Viewport settings (views, types, and modes)
Movement on the viewport with shortcuts
Adding and moving an object
Content browser, filters, collections, and favorites
Adding additional windows like content browser
Coordinate Space Terminology
Meshes Essentials:
Importing static and skeletal mesh
Mesh editors and menus
Brush editings
Mesh collisions
Polygons and triangles
Virtual Textures
Shader Systems:
Creating new materials
Changing material colors
Master materials
Material instances
Dynamic material instance with
a blueprint actor -
​Material Parameter Collection
Material functions
Community Reach:
Unreal Engine Discussions Forum
Discord and Slack community
Facebook Unreal Engine Developer Community
Favorite Unreal Engine Tutorial Series on Youtube
Patreon for Unreal developers
Creating and importing a Metahuman
Metahuman Face Animation via iPhone live-link
Retargeting Animation and Retarget Settings
Adding Custom Plugin
Fly movement, gravity, and jump settings
Switch between characters and cameras.
Lightning Essentials:
Skylight cube map
Volumetric cloud
Volumetric fog
Sky atmosphere
Light mixer
Optimization and Profiling:
Atlas material for optimization
Polygonal optimization
View modes
Using console commands (Scalability, Stat GPU, Stat Unit, etc.)
Shadow optimization (Capsule shadows, static shadow and bake lightning)
LOD (Level of Distance) Settings
Nanite setup and comparison with LOD
Texture mipmaps
​Scene Setup:
Importing default content to the current project
Create a room scene with default content
Adding Post Process
Adding Lightning
Mesh actions in level
Lightning Systems:
Light types
Light mobility explanation
Shadow settings
Light settings
Light performance
Create a light BP
Reflections and Rendering:
Screen Space
Standalone Raytraced
Ray Tracing
Forward Shader Rendering
Global Illumination
Virtual FX:
Create a legacy particle
Introduction to Cascade Particle System
Check out example particles from the content
Create a first VFX
Sound Systems:
Importing a sound file (44.1 kHz, 16-bit wave)
Creating a sound cue
Common nodes practice (loop, random, mixer, enveloper, modulator)
Attenuation Settings (occlusion, audio spatialization, reverb, etc.)
Audio reverb volume
Duck system and audio classes
Quick introduction about MetaSound Source and create an example
Sound concurrency
Introduction to Meta Sound
Post Process:
Post Process Overview
Creating a fairy scene (learning to use blooms, dirt, exposure, aberration, lens flares, occlusion, and vignette)
Set multiple bound and unbound post processes with different filters
Adding quick filters (Learning Lookup Tables - LUT)
Anti-aliasing methods
Additional Scene Settings:
Adding Fog
A quick introduction to volumetric fog
Volumetric shadows on movable meshes
Adding directional light
Directional light settings
Switch the time of period with directional light
Light shaft bloom
Light shaft occlusion
Introduction to Landscape:
Using Quixel Bridge to get meshes and surfaces
Creating a landscape
Import a landscape from height maps
Landscape tools
Creating a painting tool for Landscape
Creating foliage
Enabling procedural foliage and test
Creating an example forest
Landscape grass types
Using Quixel Bridge and Megascans
Creating a level sequence
Creating a cinematic camera
Cinematic camera lens and focus settings
Cinematic camera post-process settings
Cinematic render settings
Using the director cut channel effectively
Using cinematic scene to blend two skeletal animations
Let’s Learn and Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.